This Month in Money Advice to Younger Me #MATYM

This month we restarted our “Money Advice to Younger Me” series on Instagram and we are LOVING the responses. So we compiled them all here for you to check out from the past month!

Interested in telling us your advice to your younger self? We’d love to hear!

Submit your advice HERE.

Amanda Kinderman

Amanda Kinderman recently became a licensed financial professional - and we can see why!

Amanda talked to The Pledgettes about the power of small actions that compound throughout our lives.

It's easy to only think of the BIG swings when you are making money moves. But take some advice from Amanda that we completely agree with - the small actions compound.

And that's what moves the needle toward success.

Vanessa McFarlane

Vanessa McFarlane has clear & direct guidance for her younger self in our #MoneyAdviceToYoungerMe series!

Everything is figure-outable - just like Marie Forleo told us.

And Vanessa would tell her younger self. And we just LOVE this.

So often we see only our roadblocks or problems and struggle for solutions. Even as we get older - sometimes it seems like the lesson doesn't get any easier.

But Vanessa is right! And the more easily and quickly we can move from overwhelm into that figure out phase - the quicker we get to the actions that make us feel better.

Alexandria Reed

Remember that your financial well-being is just as important as your dreams and aspirations. You have the power to shape your own future, so here are a few pieces of advice that I wish someone had shared with me:

1️⃣ Embrace your worth: Believe in your abilities and never settle for less. Know your value in both personal and professional settings. Negotiate salaries and don't shy away from asking for what you deserve. You are talented, strong, and deserving of abundance. 💼💰

2️⃣ Save and invest wisely: Start cultivating good money habits early on. Set aside a portion of your income for savings and emergencies. Educate yourself about investing and explore opportunities that align with your goals. Remember, your money should work for you, not the other way around. 💸💡

3️⃣ Seek financial knowledge: Education is the key to unlocking your financial potential. Equip yourself with knowledge about budgeting, credit scores, and personal finance management. Attend workshops, read books, and leverage online resources. Empowerment comes from understanding. 📚💡

4️⃣ Surround yourself with a support network: Build a community of like-minded individuals who share your financial goals. Network with mentors, friends, and professionals who can offer guidance and inspire you on your journey. Collaboration is key to success. 🤝💫

Remember, my dear younger self, your financial success is a journey that requires patience, perseverance, and self-belief. Don't be discouraged by setbacks, for they are simply stepping stones to growth. You have the strength within you to overcome any challenge and create a prosperous future. 💪🏾💫

Alex also wrote another blog for the Pledgettes about community - you can read it HERE.

Jenn Uhen

At the end of Pledgettes events - Jenn always says, “Discussion is one thing, but taking action is what moves the needle on building wealth.”

And making choices is taking action!

It's easy to sit, watch and wonder - but the more we can take action with intentionality, the better we build towards powerful wealth.

We don’t need to be worried about making the “best” choice - just taking a step in the right direction.

Jenn talked a bit more about this - and good being better than perfect - in another blog about “The Power of Community and Collaboration.”


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