This Month in Money Advice to Younger Me #MATYM

In our “Money Advice to Younger Me” series on Instagram this money we have gotten some great responses!

We compiled them all here for you to check out from the past month!

Interested in telling us your advice to your younger self? We’d love to hear! Submit your advice HERE.

Heidi Buckhout

Ahh it's so tempting to fall for those offers when we are young! And even now (hellllooo Instagram ads.)

But Heidi Buckhout has some strong advice for her younger self: just stay away!

Now - no one is saying you can't indulge here or there, but excessive credit card use is very rarely aligned with our values.

We love this advice because it reminds us to think more deeply and act with intentionality that is aligned with our goals so we can build powerful financial lives . . . while avoiding some of the pitfalls of rash decisions.

Jessi Burg

Fellow Pledgette, Jessi Burg, is wise. And she has a powerful message in our #MoneyAdviceToYoungerMe series.

When we are stuck in a cycle of paycheck-to-paycheck or still in the struggle of our goals, we can easily get caught up in the feeling that it will last forever. That this is "just the way it is."

But that's a false narrative!

If spend our time in struggle developing good habits - not only will we move the needly towards wealth, we will build helpful and healthy habits that will last our whole lives.


This is 4!


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