The Future of The Pledgettes (our 2024 Plan)
We are launching The Pledgettes Host Team for 2024. This is an opportunity for you to become more involved and for more perspectives and ideas to be shared.
In The Pledgettes Accountability League (PAL), we do this exercise where we evaluate our actions and assign them in 5 categories, what do we need to: (1) stop doing (2) do less of (3) keep doing (4) do more of and (5) start doing.
In The Pledgettes Community (which you can join as a paid or free member), I shared more details for 2024 but here are some of the highlights.
The Pledgettes Host Team
I need support, perspectives, and energy. So we are launching The Pledgettes Host Team for 2024.
The Host Team will comprise 8 positions initially with the potential for more. If you love personal finances and normalizing money talks with the mission of “Wealth for Women,” this may be for you.
The Host Team will be a one-year commitment. You will earn a small stipend and a one-year membership to The Pledgettes.
We are seeking:
Financial Friends Hosts for Virtual (monthly events), Denver (monthly events), and Divorcees Virtual (quarterly events). If you want to be a Host for a city we don't yet have Financial Friends, let's talk, we may add a role for you and your city.
The Financial Friends Host will be responsible for making sure a monthly (or quarterly) event happens. Hosts will determine the date, time, and location for the event. The Host will welcome attendees and facilitate the conversation and celebration.
Club Hosts for Book Club, Movie Club, and Podcast Club, which will meet quarterly!
The Club Host is responsible for identifying the date and time of a virtual meeting as well as the book/movie/podcast that will be discussed. The Club Host will prepare questions and facilitate the discussion.
Our Action-Oriented Programming
Since the beginning of The Pledgettes, we knew we wanted to feature different voices with different perspectives so you can find clarity for your financial journey and meet people as your build your Financial A-Team. We also wanted to embolden you to take action.
For 2024, we are moving to more On-Demand features (and less virtual events) with guest blogs, video interviews, and video presentations. This means that there will be less to schedule on the calendar and more opportunities for you to find the content you want when you want it. You’ll see occasional speaker events (like our January 25 event with Allie Beckmann) but there won’t be the same cadence.
Our Programming is going to be more action-oriented, like our Financial First Friday working sessions where we get together virtually and organize our finances (review recent transactions, update net worth trackers or budgets, etc).
I will also be focused on working more in depth with Pledgettes via The Pledgettes Accountability League (PAL) and 1:1 Sessions! If you don't know about PAL yet, you can learn more at It's our 13-week program that meets weekly. If you're looking for more accountability, clarity, and confidence, PAL may be a great fit for you! As a Pledgettes Perk, you receive a $60 discount on the program!
If you are looking to do a deeper dive into your Big Financial Goals and current financial pictures, let's go there! You can book 1:1 Sessions with me at and through the end of 2023, I have a sale for 3 sessions for $300! Sessions are normally $120 each for Pledgettes members.
The Future is Bright!
I am optimistic and excited about the future of The Pledgettes. I am energized by more focused, action-oriented strategies. “Wealth for Women” is why we exist. We want you to find more financial clarity and financial confidence in 2024 to intentionally and purposefully build your wealth.
If you want to talk more about the future of The Pledgettes, let’s schedule time at
Here’s to a Healthy, Wealthy 2024!