Jenn Uhen Speaks at Ignite Denver

I was honored to be a part of Ignite Denver 40! Listen to my 5 minute presentation on “Why Some Have Financial Confidence (and You Don’t).”

Check it out here!

What is Ignite? (from

“Presenters get 20 slides, which automatically advance every 15 seconds. The result is a fast and fun presentation that lasts just 5 minutes.

What is the one change that you want to make in the world? Maybe you don’t want to change the world…maybe you have an idea that will help your community, your city or the industry where you work. Are you not interested in making a change? Maybe you want to tell a story, teach people about your hobby or just let them know how you feel about a topic that you are passionate about.

Ignite is all over the world. Learn more >>

I loved the process. As a group of 12 speakers, we met with the Ignite Denver team twice prior to the show. We learned about the presentation style, and received feedback on how to make the most of our 5 minutes!

I plan to utilize some learnings from this experience in my future speaking engagements.

Huge thanks the Ignite Denver committee, the fellow speakers, and the awesome attendees that shows up to be entertained.


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